Under development by OpenLink Software for the 3DFed project.


  • get/api/endpoint/list

    List All Endpoints API
    The endpoint list API allows a user to list all the endpoints, their URL, label and associated datasets.
    For example, using the List All Endpoints API, your app can have access to the latest list of endpoints: http://sparqles.okfn.org/api/endpoint/list
  • get/api/endpoint/autocomplete

    Endpoint Autocomplete API
    The endpoint autocomplete API allows a user to perform auto completion over the endpoints list based on it's URL, label or dataset label
    qstringURI or label to complete (from 1 character).
    For example, using the Endpoint Autocomplete API, your app can perform autocompletion for the string "dbpedia":http://sparqles.okfn.org/api/endpoint/autocomplete?q=dbpedia
  • get/api/endpoint/info

    Endpoint Info API
    The endpoint info API allows a user to get a full information of an endpoint based on its URI. This includes its availability, performance, interoperability and discoverability.
    uristringEndpoint URI.
    For example, using the Endpoint Info API, your app can have the latest metrics for the endpoint http://dbpedia.org/sparql:http://sparqles.okfn.org/api/endpoint/info?uri=http://dbpedia.org/sparql
  • get/api/availability

    Availability API
    List the endpoints and their availability uptime at the moment; the last 24 hours and the last 7 days
    For example, using the Availability API, your app can have the latest list of endpoints and their availability: http://sparqles.okfn.org/api/availability
  • get/api/discoverability

    Discoverability API
    List the endpoints and their discoverability information (VoID Description, Service Description and server name found in the HTTP get response)
    For example, using the Discoverability API, your app can have the latest list of endpoints and their discoverability information: http://sparqles.okfn.org/api/discoverability
  • get/api/interoperability

    Interoperability API
    List the endpoints and their interoperability (SPARQL 1.0 and 1.1 features compliance)
    For example, using the Interoperability API, your app can have the latest list of endpoints and their interoperability information: http://sparqles.okfn.org/api/interoperability
  • get/api/profiles

    Profiles API
    List the endpoints and their profile information (Generated VoID and Service Description, coherence and relation specialty)
    For example, using the Profiles API, your app can have the latest list of endpoints and their profiles information: http://sparqles.okfn.org/api/profiles
  • get/api/performance

    Performance API
    List the endpoints and their performance information (ASK queries mean runtime, JOIN queries mean runtie and result size threshold)
    For example, using the Performance API, your app can have the latest list of endpoints and their performance information: http://sparqles.okfn.org/api/performance